Startup Business
You’re starting up your business and have a lot on your mind – cash flow is critical and you have a lot of expenses. Insurance is the last thing on your mind. In reality, it should be up there with speaking to your accountant and lawyer.
As a startup, there are critical moments that you are focused on. Most importantly, you can’t afford to have a loss and not have the insurance to back you up.
Many think it is very expensive, however, based on the nature of your business, you’d be surprised that it may be very affordable.
Together we can develop a risk profile and determine what coverage you need and what you can afford to self insure.
Existing Business
You have a thriving business and are focused on growth. Whether your business is a retail store front, franchise, manufacturing, non-profit organization, professional trade, contractor or service provider, you know how important insurance is to your business. Most business owners today started their insurance policy many years ago and have not reviewed their coverage in quite some time. As your business grew over the years, your risk exposures will have changed and your policy may not have kept up in providing you the protection you need.
Each year you review your business with your accountant and it is just as important to review it with your insurance broker as well. In your annual insurance review, you will be able to determine if your liability coverage is adequate based on current loss trends; if your contents and equipment are adequately covered especially if you added new equipment in the past year; if you have sufficient business interruption insurance to keep your business alive in the event of a major insured loss; and you’ll have the opportunity to determine what risk exposures to continue self insuring and those to transfer to your insurance company.
As your insurance broker and partner, I will review your insurance coverage annually and meet with you during the policy term to obtain updates from you. I will also provide you with access to risk management tools and guides that will help you to minimize your loss exposures and take advantage of lower rates where available. My goal is to help you build your business and overcome hurdles along the way.
Call or email me today and let’s begin a conversation on how I can help your business.
Blog Post:
- coming soon
Commercial Insurance; Business Insurance; Startup; Contractor; Franchise; Professional Liability; Errors & Omissions; Business Interruption; HVAC; Fleet Automobile; Risk Management; Non-Profit; Ontario; Oakville; Mississauga; Hamilton; GTA; Greater Toronto Area; Dundas, Ancaster; Burlington
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Note: Coverage cannot be bound or purchased by leaving a voicemail or sending an email or fax. You must speak to a licensed insurance broker in order to place insurance coverage.